Texas Holdem Poker Tips - 3 Tips To Always Follow Or Die

Posted by : Gamblin Blogs | Monday, 30 September 2019 | Published in

Are you peeved that every time you jump online to play poker you lose money? Well these Texas Holdem Poker tips will help you fix that.
Do you wonder why you always lose money playing poker? It's probably because you are breaking the most important rules. Now, these aren't rules are outlined in any rule book but all successful Holdem poker players are very aware of them.
Sure, you can win if you break them. I guess they are more guidelines than rules. But they are still very good things to keep in mind when you are playing in a tournament.
Texas Holdem Poker Tips To Follow Or Die #1
Don't all in on coin flip hands. A coin flip hand is one where you have about a 50-50 chance of winning. Such as an underpair against over connectors, i.e. Q-Q vs A-Ks.
When you all in on hands like this you are practically punting, or gambling. This isn't the best way to be playing poker. You should be playing with skill and stacking the odds in your favour.
Texas Holdem Poker Tips To Follow Or Die #2
Don't call an all-in against a player with a bigger stack than you. When you are in a tournament and do this you are risking being out. Unless you have already committed a large amount of chips to the pot, or you 100% are sure you have the nuts, avoid doing this.
This is mainly a survival technique. Why take on the big dogs if you don't have to? Sure, it's fine to take them on if you are going to win but if you aren't sure skip this one. Take on opponents with small stacks then you.
Texas Holdem Poker Tips To Follow Or Die #3
Don't play too tight for too long. Players who play tight do tend to do well in the beginning of the tournament but as the blinds start increasing, and the exponential effect of the doubling kicks in, these players are usually the first to wither and die.
Once the tournament starts to kick along past half way you need to be loosening up and playing more and more hands just to have a chance. If you stay too tight and refuse to play risky hands you will die and long slow, painful death of starvation.
Now, like I said before, if you do break any of these rules you won't necessarily lose straight away, but continually ignoring them will cause you to lose. If you are constantly losing in tournaments you are probably making one of these mistakes.
Can you imagine what it would be like to win a poker tournament and win thousands and thousands of dollars? How would that make you feel? Well, the best way to be able to do this is learn about how to win tournaments. Avoiding rules like I've outlined above is a great start but you will need more information if you want to win the big dollars. That's why you should always take up any opportunities to learn more about poker, because they always pay off massively in the end!

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